On June 26th we celebrated the 20th Anniversary of Crossroads Fellowship Church in Nyali. Our attendance that day reached 1,749. Biggest week-end in the history of our church when you combine that attendance with food-donation Saturday attendance, those non-English speaking neighbors affected financially by Covid and the evangelistic service held for this, we were able to minister to around 2,600 people with 142 salvation decisions. We donated food to help hundreds of families in need. Praise God!
We have a new church building going up in a
place north of Mombasa called Sumanga. Pastor
Samuel Kithole there has done very well, the
walls are up and roof on. We are enthused that it
will not only be just a church but a “mission”
center impacting all around. Additionally, it will be
a center for the training men in Swahili to be
church planters. It has taken $15,000 to build and
we’re thankful God supplied.